Saturday, 8 October 2016

Buloke Council Lower Avoca Ward- Wycheproof Meet the Candidates

Four candidates for Lower Avoca

The four candidates for the two positions on Buloke Council to represent Lower Avoca Ward will attend at Meet the Candidates event on Monday 12 October at 7pm at the Wycheproof Railway Station.
All candidates were contacted and invited to provide information to Wycheproof On Track newsletter.
So far two candidates have provided information. In alphabetical order they are:

Alan Getley
I seek your support in the Lower Avoca Ward.
I have a proven track record of leadership, organisational and management skills and a long history of community service and dedication to the Buloke Shire. I intend to focus on the everyday issues that affect the liveability in Buloke, including rates, economic development, community infrastructure and roads.
Finally, I would like to pay tribute to Stuart McLean who retired after 19 years as a Councillor. I wish Stuart a long and happy retirement.   
Vote 1: Alan Getley

  •  Authorised by Alan Getley, 38 Mildura Way, Charlton, Vic, 3525.

Bronwyn Simpson
I  wish to introduce myself as your candidate for the Buloke Shire, Lower Avoca Ward elections.
I have lived in Charlton for 17 years and have worked in Wycheproof for 3 years.
Wycheproof and surrounding communities work hard to maintain vitality and bring visions to fruition. Having attended council meetings, I am aware that you have received grants to improve some facilities although there are many other projects which require assistance.
I currently sit on two boards and believe in good governance. I wish to make myself available to hear your concerns and represent your needs.
  • Authorised by Bronwyn Simpson, 831 Yeungroon Road Charlton 3525

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The next Locals who Lunch will be held on Friday 21 October at the Royal Mail Hotel.

Please RSVP names to Amanda, phone M: 0407 844 904. Everyone is welcome. Bring a friend or if you have visitors bring them along. 

Chamber Chatter with Tracy
Continuing in October, Chamber Bingo week!. This is ‘shop local’ initiative. To enter, make a cash, or card, purchase at a participating local business (minimum spend $5).
Congratulations to Elaine Ison, winner of  September’s ‘single line’ draw.
  Mt Wycheproof Cup weekend Broadway Festival on Sunday 30 October: a festival of fine food from Wycheproof businesses, plant and craft stalls and music.  An initiative of the Wycheproof Chamber of Commerce.

Mt Wycheproof Cup
Derby Day in the Country tickets and marquee packages are now available. Book on line, or buy tickets at Elders or Wycheproof Community Resource Centre. For information phone 03 5032 2110. 

Clean up town blocks
Buloke Council will begin its annual fire hazard inspections in townships the first week of October.If properties are overgrown or are a hazard, owners could receive a Fire Prevention Notice and face a fine. Grass should be slashed to 100m height, loose timber stacked and flammable rubbish removed.
Queries to the Buloke Council’s Fire Prevention Officer phone 1300 520 520

Celebrating 125 years : Wycheproof Agricultural Show
A great afternoon of entertainment is planned for this year’s milestone Wycheproof Show marking 125 years.
Highlights will include:
  • · Mens Scone Cook-off
  • · Decorated Bra competition a fundraiser for the Wycheproof Cancer Support Group. Entry fee $3 per bra
  • · See Eddie Freeman, a world champion chainsaw sculptor produce marvellous animals from large blocks of wood. Some sculptures will be on sale on the day.
  • · Parkers Mini Circus features performing birds, rabbits, Alfie the clown, trick cyclist puppets and games. The circus is the only show of its kind in Australia.
  • · The ever popular Ray Dalton is back to judge the Antiques and Collectables section in the Miscellaneous Pavilion. He will be available during the afternoon to appraise antique items.
  • ·  Scarecrow competition various sections. Sponsored by Wycheproof VISION 

The first 100 people who buy their membership ticket prior to the Show will receive a special show-bag. The calico bag full of goodies features the new logo specially designed by Steff Mill for the 125th Show.
Tickets can be purchased at the WCRC or in the street on the Friday before the show, or phone Jan on 54937382. 

Rev. David Thompson Uniting Church minister
The Uniting Church of the North Central Living Waters Cluster incorporating the churches of  Birchip, Donald, St Arnaud-Stuart Mill, and Wycheproof welcomes Rev. David Thompson, and his wife Kate.  They will be taking up residence in Donald but lead worship and undertake pastoral work throughout the whole area. 
Rev. Thompson will lead his first worship service in the Cluster on  Sunday 16 October 9am at Birchip and later that morning at 11am at Wycheproof. The Wycheproof Uniting Church congregation welcome all visitors to this service. 
On Sunday 23 October at 2pm a special service of induction into our Loddon Mallee Presbytery and our Cluster will be held at Donald. All are welcome to attend the ceremony and there will be an opportunity to meet Rev. Thompson over refreshments.

Wycheproof Community Resource Centre AGM
 Monday 24 October at 6pm.
Guest speaker: Jess Orr, Rural Development Coordinator- Southern Mallee, Youth Affairs Council  Victoria (YACVIC)
Supper provided    RSVP  phone 03 54937455

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Buloke Loddon L2P 

Volunteers from Wycheproof and District are needed to mentor young drivers. Training and ongoing support is provided plus the use of a late model vehicle for driving sessions. This program provides a great opportunity to share your experience as a good driver with young people. Please contact Matt Bennett on 0467 787 328 for further information.

L2P is a state-wide initiative funded by TAC, managed by VicRoads and jointly coordinated by Buloke and Loddon Shire Councils.


1-on-1 tutorials with Eric @ WCRC

Eric is available for bookings on Wednesdays & Fridays at WCRC to help with any of your IT needs.

Bookings essential. To book phone WCRC on 54937455 

Solos & Supper

Wycheproof P-12 College  Music Room

Thursday 13 October  at 6.30pm

All welcome 

Wycheproof P-12 News

As we enter a busy forth Term; students continue to be busy practicing for Solos and Supper this month and for the Battle of the Bands in November.

October is Walk to School month and the college is promoting the health benefits of ‘active transport’ encouraging students walking or riding to school. If parents are interested in supporting a ‘walking school bus’ please contact the school.

Buloke Shire election

Four candidates are vying for the two positions available to represent Buloke Council’s Lower Avoca Ward and all are from Charlton. Candidates are: Alan Getley, David Pollard, John Shaw, Bronwyn Simpson.

Ballot papers will be delivered to households during the first week of October. This is a postal ballot and the election to be competed by 21 October. Voting in council elections is compulsory.

All candidates have been invited to supply information on what they stand for. See the website for links to candidate information. Meet the candidates in Wycheproof on Monday 10 October at 7pm at the Railway Station.

Wycheproof & District Lawn Tennis Club

Season starts 15 October 2016

To join the team for Saturday afternoon match play please contact Mary-Anne Pollard or email

Thank you

The Wycheproof and wider community has shown great generosity thanks to the efforts of Laura Bish and Team Zeke in supporting Bianca (Banx) Kidd and her family Carly Parish and Bethany. Banx is in year 8 at Wycheproof P-12 and was diagnosed with leukaemia. Banx, Carly and Bethany wish to thank the community for the continuous support and good wishes. Banx has just finished the first phase of treatment at the Royal Children’s Hospital. She is in good spirits, coping well and is encouraged by the support. So far the Team Zeke appeal has raised more than $9000. To donate see the link on the website

Granite Community Church 140 years

Saturday 8 October: meet at 3pm for a guided tour of the district then at 6pm dinner & evening program ($10)

Sunday 9 October: 10.30am Church Service and barbecue lunch

Granite Community Church is at 358 Bish’s Rd, Granite Flat

POOL LIFEGUARD TRAINING: Buloke Council is offering some free training places in the H2oPro certificate. Training dates are: Friday 4 November 9am-5:30pm at Birchip; Saturday 5 November and Sunday 6 November 9am-5.30pm at Donald.  For information phone  1300 520 520

#119 Wycheproof on Track October 2016

News with Jacinta

We are entering one of the busiest months for creativity and crafts on the Wycheproof calendar with major events the annual A&P Society Agricultural Show on Wednesday 19 October, the Races Arts and Crafts exhibition on Thursday 27 October and the Mt Wycheproof Cup—Derby Day in the Country on Saturday 29 October. Each of these great events relies on the community to come together and support them. Another major event on the calendar in October is the Friends of East Wimmera Health Service-Wycheproof Open Garden Day on Sunday 23 October.
Each of these events require the dedication of volunteers in planning and assistance on the day. As said before, volunteering is vital for our community and is a great way  for new residents to learn more about our town and meet new friends. Several groupsWycheproof Op Shop, Wycheproof Cancer Support Group, Friends of EWHS: Wycheproof, Wycheproof VISION and Wycheproof Community Museumneed to boost their membership and welcome new volunteers. If you can help, call in to WCRC and be put in contact with organisations.
Wycheproof VISION held its AGM on Tuesday 27 September. Guest speaker was Matt Bennett who provided an interesting insight into the Buloke-Loddon L2P program for young drivers. The program is urgently seeking volunteer driver mentors from Wycheproof.  Committee members for 2016-2017 are: President, Jacinta Miller; Vice-President, Caroline Sullivan; Treasurer, Lee-Anne White; and committee members Andrea Coatsworth and Tracy Pardella. As several of the sub-committee are currently in recess, those projects will be overseen by members taking on portfolios. Caroline Sullivan has the Wycheproof Swimming Pool group portfolio and Tracy Pardella has the Chamber of Commerce portfolio. We are waiting on the Friends of Mt Wycheproof to hold a meeting to confirm convenor for that group. The town forum is an important central point for contact in Wycheproof and we ask all clubs, organisations and individuals to support Wycheproof VISION by providing information to the newsletter, social media and website and attend meetings which are held on the third Tuesday of each month. 
 Looking forward,  we seek nominations for Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year, Event and Ambassador awards. Nominations close 31 October and can be left at the WCRC, emailed to or posted to PO Box 8 Wycheproof.