Monday, 27 June 2016

WoT July: P-12 College news

Super Hero &Villains Day
Every super hero you could imagine and some villains arrived at school on Friday 17 June. It was all in good fun and for charity as the Students Leadership Team had organised the day to raise funds for the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS). Costumes ranged from the traditional Superman, Batman and the Hulk, to Minions and some newly created ones such as the Super Cat Ladies. At lunchtime the fun continued as students lined up to collect pizzas and drinks for a special treat.
This year the College has had two visits from the RFDS. During the first visit students saw inside the RFDS with their simulated aeroplane and the second visit was the dental service team providing dental checks for students. The dental team is due back in the near future to complete any dental treatments required.
  • Pictured above: Super heroes and villains prize winners: Kate,  Claudia, Louisa, Josie, Angus, Rhys, Olivia, Priya and Locke. 

Work Experience
During the last week of Term 2 Wycheproof P12 College supports the Year 10 and 11 students during work experience week. The Year 10 students find their own work in country regions while the Year 11s travel to Melbourne and stay in the city to familiarise themselves with city transport and accommodation. They also try out some of the many and varied restaurants for dining at night.
This year only two Year 10 students were working in Wycheproof and they have been employed by Bakery on Broadway. The remainder of the class were working in Bendigo with the exception of Billy Forrester who was in Swan Hill.

Dates to remember:
Monday 11 July: Start Term 3 and Semester 1 student reports distributed
Wednesday 13 July: School Council meeting 6.30pm
Friday 15 July:  House Athletic Sports, Prep to Year 12
Tuesday 26 July: NCD Athletics, Charlton Yr 7to 12
Friday 29 July: Calder Athletics, Charlton Prep to Year 6.

What's on in Wycheproof in July


Minecraft @ WCRC
Wycheproof Community Resource Centre with Swan Hill Rural City Council presents Minecraft at WCRC on Friday 1 July from 1pm to 4pm for primary school age student, registrations essential. Expressions of interest from secondary students encouraged. Places are limited. To book phone 03 54 937 455.

W-NFC goods and services auction

Demon's 2016 Goods & Services Auction, 
Saturday 2 July at the Demons’ Clubrooms starting 7pm. There will be 146 items for auction on the night. 

Golf for beginners

Men and women seeking to learn a new sport or improve their golf at invited to the 4 by 2 golf sessions (4-weeks of 2-hour sessions) hosted by Golf Victoria at the Wycheproof Golf Course. Sessions start 3pm-5pm and cost $5 per session. To book contact Rhonda at MSA on 54937796  

Save your Bacon brekky

A Hope Assistance Local Tradies (HALT) Save your Bacon barbecue breakfast will be held at Wycheproof Hardware on Thursday 7 July  from 7am –8am

Rock Up Netball is returning! 
Sessions start again on Thursday 14 July 10.00-11.00am at Wycheproof-Narraport Netball courts (if raining sessions are transferred to stadium at Wycheproof P-12 College). Sessions are $5. For more info see:

The next Locals who Lunch will be held on Friday 15 July at 12.30pm, Royal Mail Hotel.
Please RSVP names and numbers to Amanda on 0407 844 904 by 15 June.
Everyone is welcome. If you have visitors bring them along; the more the merrier.

Sunday, 26 June 2016

Wyche on Track July 2016 news

Your opinion on the Buloke Council’s Streetscape consultation for the upgrade of Broadway is wanted. This past month, drawings and information have been on display at the Wycheproof Community Resource Centre and there is a survey sheet for  residents to list priorities or make suggestions. The deadline for the survey has been extended until Friday 8 July, and so all residents are urged to fill in a survey.
Thank you to our ever generous community for taking part in the June firewood competition. The firewood was generously donated by Mick Giddings and the winner was David Pierce.  Thank you too to the Lions Club of Wycheproof for the generous donation to Wycheproof VISION for current projects including this newsletter.
June was an historic month with the closure of the ANZ Wycheproof Branch. Thank you to Nickaela Murphy for her assistance to community members and her professional attitude and care in making all endeavours to answer customer questions and as the brunt of customer frustration during such a trying time The ANZ has promised to support account holders through a visiting advice service fortnightly as a trial for 3 months; so far this has not been organised but ANZ Bank has  reiterated the commitment and will advise the community when this service will start.

Wycheproof VISION will hold a governance workshop at its 19 July meeting from 6pm at the Railway Station. This is a chance for the forum to update policies and the strategic plan. All members are requested to attend this important meeting. At the June meeting a Code of conduct for Wycheproof VISION committee and volunteers working with Children and Young People was adopted

Commemorating WWl soldiers 
Wycheproof  Cemetery Trust held a special service and unveiled an honour board to commemorate  soldiers who served in WWI buried at the Wycheproof cemetery. 

Denise Hooper, Laurie Pollington and Judy Noonan commemorated their father Capt George Pollington