Friday, 29 July 2016

News items August

Chamber Chatter with Tracy
Well, now that the election is behind us, and the rain is still with us, it is hoped that the foot traffic and travellers’ dollars will be back with us.  There have been good reports on successful market days and I congratulate the business houses giving the shoppers these great specials.  If anyone is interested in having a meeting about how to generate more cash into the town feel free to call in, or phone me at the café or call in and talk to Bernie at the WCRC.  
Remember: ‘ YOU CANT BUY HAPPINESS BUT YOU CAN BUY LOCAL’.  And that's kind of the same thing.

Portsea  camp opportunity
Buloke Shire Council is offering limited paid places for young residents aged 13 to 16 years to attend the Portsea Camp in September. The five-day camp is from 19 to 23 September. Portsea Camp is a not for profit organisation and provides teenagers with a great camping experience full of challenging and exciting activities, in a safe, stimulating, educational and recreational environment. For details contact Buloke Shire’s Community Development Officer phone 1300 520 520.

Bras and bloomers for a good cause
During August Wycheproof  Post Office is a collection point for good second-hand and new bras, including maternity, mastectomy, crop top bras. Or new knickers and new or good second-hand swim wear to be donated to women in the Solomon Islands by the Uplift project. Uplift  works with Rotary Australia World Community Service. More information is at

Landcare grants
The North Central CMA has announce the 2016-17 Community Grants program is open for applications.  Under the community grants program there are three grant types available: Maintenance (up to $500/group or network) and Start-up Grants (up to $500/group or $1000/network) for groups and networks. Project Grants (up to $10,000) for individuals and groups. Landcare Network Grants (up to $15,000) for Landcare Network.  A copy of the guidelines is available at

 Census night 2016 is 9 August  You can fill in the census on paper or on line. Households will received information from 1 August and this includes log in instructions or paper form. See for information.

What's on in Wycheproof in August

Community courses
The Term 3 Wycheproof Community Resource Centre flyer is brimming with information on courses and activities in Wycheproof  in August.
  •  To keep fit there is a choice between Body Bar, Yoga, Step Box and Boxercise.
  •  To keep up with the latest see the beginner courses on how to use Facebook and Instagram. 
  •  To enhance your workplace skills there is First Aid certificate and CPR training from MADEC
  •  Looking for a career change a Cert 3 in Individual Support (Ageing) 12 month course offered through Murray ACE at WCRC.
  •  Also on offer are work skill workshops on areas from office computer software programs, to barista training  and food handlers course.

For information call into the WCRC, see info on Facebook or phone 54937455.

Quiz night                                           Girls' Night

Wycheproof Uniting Church Friday 12 August Wycheproof Uniting Church will hold a stall and competition. All proceeds to the Wycheproof Kindergarten .

The next Locals who Lunch will be held on Friday 19 August at 12.30pm at Mt Wycheproof Café.   
Please RSVP names and numbers to Amanda on M: 0407 844 904 . Everyone is welcome. If you have visitors bring them along; the more the merrier.

Wycheproof P-12 News- August 2016

It’s not okay to be away
Wycheproof P-12 College encourages students to attend school each day unless they are unwell.  Students who have a good attendance record are to be congratulated and in Semester 1 students received certificates for 100% attendance. Congratulations to: Stephanie Mill, Stephanie Mora, Joseph Fawcett, Hannah Mill, Mackenzie Humphreys, Andrew Mens, Cameron Mens, Priya Coatsworth, Matilda Bish, Lachy Elder, Charlie Fawcett and Xavier McKersie.

The 100 percenters! Back: Stephanie Mill, Stephanie Mora, Joseph Fawcett, Hannah Mill, Mackenzie Humphreys, Andrew Mens. Front row : Priya Coatsworth, Matilda Bish & Cameron Mens

House Athletics
On Friday 15 July the College held the Annual House Athletics Sports. All Primary and Secondary students competed in at least seven different activities. Congratulations to everyone who had a go in the cool, overcast and threatening weather conditions. The support from parents and community members was very much appreciated. This year Broadway finished in front. Champions on the day were Year 5/6, Ella Sheahan, Spencer Nicholls, Yr 7/8 Amelia Ison, Angus Connolly, Yr 9/10 Gemma Fawcett, Billy Forrester, Yr 11/12 Georgia Sheahan and Morgan Fawcett. Secondary students now go on to the NCD Athletics and Primary have the Calder Sports, both will be held in  Charlton. 
Kinder Visit
On Monday 18 July students in Prep and Years 1&2  walked to the kindergarten to see the show ‘A Tale about a Tree' with Barry Peters from ‘Canya Dance’. Barry told the story with songs, props and with help from the children who had a great time. A big thank you to the Tracey Bennett and Wycheproof Kinder children for inviting the students to come along and see the show.

August dates to remember
Thursday 4 August: AMEB Music Exams
Monday & Tuesday, 8 & 9 August: Yr 10 Driver Ed, Charlton
Monday to  Friday, 8-12 August: Yr 9 Bogong Snow Camp
Wednesday 17 August: Parent -Teacher interviews.

On Track August 2016 Local News

Thank you to all residents who took the time to comment on the consultant’s plans for Broadway, under the Buloke Council’s Streetscape consultation. The response was tremendous and emphasised what a valuable asset for our town Broadway is. The feedback showed that a pedestrian crossing was a top priority.
Most will have noticed that VicRoads has installed 50km speed limit signs on Broadway. These seem to have gone up overnight and while reducing the speed limit is something that has been on the Wycheproof VISION long-term agenda, the short stretch that is covered by the reduced speed limit was a surprise. If anyone has a comment on this please drop a note into the resource centre, email, talk to a Wycheproof VISION committee member or come along to the August meeting.
Recently, the Friends of Railway Place hosted a ‘brain storming’ meeting to gather ideas for the future use of the historic Goods Shed on the north side of the railway station. VicTrack is seeking an application from the community on the use of this building which has been restored and will be further upgraded for use. The group agreed to explore a social enterprise project with Granite Community Church to develop a horticultural micro-enterprise that would provide employment and education opportunities in our local area.
Buloke Council has circulated a plan for a long awaited upgrade of the toilet block at Centenary Park. At this stage only drawings are available and WV will update the community when information comes to hand.
Loddon Mallee Waste and Resource Recovery Group has released a draft plan that sets out how waste and recycling needs in this region will be met over at least the next 10 years. More information and survey are at Meeting are also listed for Buloke Shire on Wednesday 27 July. 
Winter in Wycheproof is a busy time please see the calendar for dates and the What’s on page of this newsletter to support local organisations. Several groups are seeking volunteers including: Wycheproof Cancer Support Group, Friends of EWHS–Wycheproof, and Wycheproof VISION. If you can help call in to WCRC.
The WV July meeting didn’t go ahead and so it is planned to hold the governance workshop at the August meeting, 6pm at the Railway Station on Tuesday 16 August. This is a chance for the forum to update policies and the strategic plan in preparation for the 2016 AGM.