Tuesday, 7 March 2017

March 2017 News with Jacinta

As we wave farewell to summer our thoughts in March turn to an eclectic array of events being held in Wycheproof.
Thank you to the WCRC for hosting a fruit fly information afternoon. Rhys Neville, a plant standards office with the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources Victoria, talked about prevention and control of this pest. It has been heartbreaking for the home gardeners in the district to discard large crops of stone fruit, tomatoes and even citrus due to this destructive pest. See information on the newsletter blog (access from the Wycheproof website). Information brochures are available at  WCRC.
If it is March, then we know the Wycheproof Lawn Tennis Club members are limbering up for the annual tournament on the long weekend 11-13 March. It is often three of the hottest days of tennis on the calendar and we know that the club always hosts a professional event that attracts visitors from across the state.
What a great time it will be in Wycheproof as that weekend is the Lions Club of Wycheproof first annual Show and Shine event from noon on Saturday 11 March, which includes a Rock ‘n Roll concert in the evening. The Wycheproof Youth Group is in the final stages of planning for the FReeZA event, Disturbing the Peace on Sunday 12 March, a ‘must do’ event on the calendar for teenagers from across Buloke and Loddon Shires.
We know that many people have some great ideas for events and groups have need of support to host events.  There are two important meetings in March. The first is the Wycheproof A&P Society meeting on 17 March. So if the show is valuable to you and Wycheproof please go along and support this great annual event. Another important meeting is a gathering of ideas for tourism events on Monday 20 March
It is always heartening for organisers of events to know that our community supports them in so many ways. Thank you to all who supported the Manequin Challenge filming on the mount for the ‘We are here’ documentary. Thank you to all who attended the 5th Annual Harvest Thanksgiving Service and Wycheproof VISION fundraising barbecue lunch on Sunday 26 February.  The Ice Breakthrough event on 21 February was also well attended. More than 30 people heard presenter Jacqueline and Community Liaison Officer Victoria Police Andrew Downes talk about the health and social problems caused by drug use, how to keep safe and how help a family member or friend who is using drugs. The notion of ‘talk therapy’, talking to people and keeping channels of communication open, is seen as the key to helping people.
A ‘shout out’ to Buloke Shire Council for placing the ‘No Camping’ signs at Centenary Park. Camping in the carpark at Centenary Park has concerned the community for some time and Wycheproof VISION had passed on those concerns to council. We appreciate this support from the Buloke Council.