Tuesday, 7 March 2017

March 2017 What's on in Wycheproof

Wycheproof P-12 College Quiz Night
Friday 24 March at 7.30pm at Wycheproof Golf Club
Tables of 6   $8 per person.  Bookings phone 54937409
(Fundraiser for Year 11 Melbourne Orientation Week)

Drop in centre

Open each Tuesday 11am to 4pm at Wycheproof Senior Citizens Rooms.   All welcome
Supported by East Wimmera Health Service, Buloke Shire and Loddon Mallee Mental Health Network

Wycheproof & District Lawn Tennis Club Labour Day Weekend Tournament
 The hottest weekend in tennis is on in Wycheproof  during the long weekend 11-13 March.
For tournament information and entry forms email wychetennisclub@hotmail.com

Disturbing the peace

Wycheproof Youth Group  has been busy planning the annual Disturbing the Peace Freeza Event at the Mt Wycheproof Race Course on Sunday 12 March. This is a major event on the local calendar. This year’s featured  DJ is Benny B.
The event is strictly for school-age teenagers in years 7 to 12. It is a drug and alcohol free event. For info see DTP Facebook page at www.facebook.com/wycheproofdtp2017

The next Locals who Lunch will be held on Friday 17 March at the Terminus Hotel at 12.30pm.   
Please RSVP names and numbers to Amanda phone M: 0407 844 904.
Everyone is welcome. Bring a friend, or if you have visitors bring them along.