Tuesday, 7 March 2017

March 2017 What's on in Wycheproof

Wycheproof P-12 College Quiz Night
Friday 24 March at 7.30pm at Wycheproof Golf Club
Tables of 6   $8 per person.  Bookings phone 54937409
(Fundraiser for Year 11 Melbourne Orientation Week)

Drop in centre

Open each Tuesday 11am to 4pm at Wycheproof Senior Citizens Rooms.   All welcome
Supported by East Wimmera Health Service, Buloke Shire and Loddon Mallee Mental Health Network

Wycheproof & District Lawn Tennis Club Labour Day Weekend Tournament
 The hottest weekend in tennis is on in Wycheproof  during the long weekend 11-13 March.
For tournament information and entry forms email wychetennisclub@hotmail.com

Disturbing the peace

Wycheproof Youth Group  has been busy planning the annual Disturbing the Peace Freeza Event at the Mt Wycheproof Race Course on Sunday 12 March. This is a major event on the local calendar. This year’s featured  DJ is Benny B.
The event is strictly for school-age teenagers in years 7 to 12. It is a drug and alcohol free event. For info see DTP Facebook page at www.facebook.com/wycheproofdtp2017

The next Locals who Lunch will be held on Friday 17 March at the Terminus Hotel at 12.30pm.   
Please RSVP names and numbers to Amanda phone M: 0407 844 904.
Everyone is welcome. Bring a friend, or if you have visitors bring them along.

March 2017 Wycheproof P-12 College news

Public Speaking
Wednesday morning 22 February students from Year 5 to Year 12 presented their speeches in the Annual Public Speaking Competition. Mr Connolly allocated a special award for humour and having a "red hot go" and Xavier McKersie, Matilda Bish, Rowan Jones and Cian Polzin each received a block of chocolate in this category
Congratulations to the winning speakers: Year 5/6-Matilda Bish on the topic ‘Case Headers versus John Deere Headers’; Year 7/8- Ella Sheahan on the ‘Dangers of Soft Drinks’; Year 9/10- Equal winners Gemma Fawcett whose topic was ‘Male Domestic Abuse’ and Eloise Gretgrix whose topic was ‘The Failure of our Correctional Services’; and Year 11/12- Koen Phyland on the topic ‘What effect Trump's Administration will have on Australia.’
During February primary students had swimming lessons at the Wycheproof pool to familiarise them with water safety and protocol.
Secondary students competed in the House Swimming Sports, with a win to Broadway, and then competed at the NCD Swimming Sports at St Arnaud. While Wycheproof did not have any winners at the St. Arnaud meet, students tallied enough places to earn the Standardised Aggregate Shield.
Student Leaders.

The 2017 School Captains, House Captains and Class Captains include School Captains , Joseph Fawcett and Mary-Anne Pollard, who will lead the way for all the junior representatives and look forward to a very productive year

March 2017 Odds and ends...news snippets

Community car working group

A community car working group is being established to meet at the WCRC. The working group will get the ball rolling with the Community Car Project, oversee the project in this initial set up phase, and establish a timeline to implement the project including setting a start date. If you are interested in being part of this group or for information contact WCRC phone 5493 7455

Wyche On Track in review
Wycheproof VISION is seeking comments to improve the newsletter or to suggest alternatives to the newsletter. It is currently available as both hard copy or online blog. To have your say about the newsletter; if is of value to you or not; and if it should continue email info@wycheproof.vic.au, write a note and drop it in to the WCRC, or  attend Wyche VISION meetings.

 Tuning into kids
Learn how to help your child manage feelings and emotions, manage worry, frustration, and anger.
3 Sessions Mondays 6 March, 20 March and 27 March at WCRC 10.15 to 2.30pm. Lunch and morning tea provided. Enrolment in this course is offered for free
Please book for catering purposes on 54937455

Financial counselling for Buloke supported  by Mallee Family Care. Call 1800 63 22 63 for an appointment. Kaylene Birch will be working from the Old Shire Office, Birchip on 23 March, 20 April, 18 May and 29 June 2

Volunteers needed

There are several community groups in Wycheproof in need of volunteer support.  Some groups meet once a month and others once in a while. Volunteer time may be one or two hours a month or may be more, depending on your interests. If you would like more information call in or contact Wycheproof Community Resource Centre on 5493 7455 or email info@wycheproof.vic.au
· To support our local hospital the Friends of East Wimmera Health Service-Wycheproof  fundraising activities including catering on sheep sale days, an annual quiz night and Mother’s Day flower fundraiser. Wycheproof Art and Craft Shop. Located on  Broadway, the Art and Craft Shop. The group is looking for volunteers to supervise at the shop which is open 10am to 4pm. Shifts can be in two-hour blocks or more.
· Wycheproof Op Shop. The op shop is a busy place and one of the key spots for tourists to browse when visiting Wycheproof. The shop is open each Tuesday and Friday 10am to 4pm and rosters are flexible.
· Wycheproof Community Museum, in the historic primary school on Mount St. Volunteers meet each Wednesday afternoon at the museum.

Chamber chatter with Tracy
Shops are taking on sartorial splendour with the addition of some crafty bunting. Jill at Revival  has led the trend and Chris at Chalmers Butchers has followed suit with bunting for outside the shop and has hers up already and looking fabulous.
Market days will have a new look with tables on the footpath displaying stock to show that it is a special day in the town.
 Until next month, support your locals to keep them in business.

Wyche youth news

Lions Youth of the Year announced

Congratulations to Public Speaker winner, Hannah Mill and Lions Club of Wycheproof Youth of the Year 2017, Jordan Sheahan.

Disturbing the peace

Wycheproof Youth Group  has been busy planning the annual Disturbing the Peace Freeza Event at the Mt Wycheproof Race Course on Sunday 12 March. This is a major event on the local calendar. This year’s featured  DJ is Benny B.
The event is strictly for school-age teenagers in years 7 to 12. It is a drug and alcohol free event. For info see DTP Facebook page at www.facebook.com/wycheproofdtp2017

Welcome to our community

Welcome to new manager at WCRC, Averyll Loft

During February we welcomed Averyll Loft as manager at the Wycheproof Community Resource Centre. Averyll hails from Queensland and is an experienced journalist, most recently working as Editor at The Guardian newspaper Swan Hill where she managed a busy newsroom. Averyll with her partner Josh Pellegrino and toddler Edie has made Wycheproof her home. 

Welcome to Jing Li

Chinese Assistant Jing Li has arrived from China for a year at Wycheproof P-12 College. She is keen to see and do as much as possible while here, so if you are going somewhere special and have room in the car she would be delighted with any opportunity to explore and learn about Wycheproof, surrounding towns, farming and Victoria.

March 2017 Everyone for tennis!

Junior tennis
The final day of junior tennis was one of those perfect summer days at the Wycheproof & District Lawn Tennis Club. Thank you to Rhonda Allan who volunteered her time coaching the ‘Hot Shot Tennis Program’ for the 2016/17 season. She was ably assisted by Mary Anne Pollard and the 15 juniors learned many new skills and all enjoyed their tennis lessons.
Eight juniors participated, playing 2-3 sets for their lessons and important skills learned were how to score and court etiquette. By the end of the 10 weeks we witnessed some great rallies and close sets!  Thank you to Bianca Orr who also helped umpire every week.

Right: Lucky door prize winners were Kate Thompson, Mitchell Coatsworth & Cameron Mens

Abovet:  It was an ice-cream sort of day at the tennis break up.  Pictured are (back seated) Eabha Polzin, Libby Thompson, Ruby Ison, Ollie Daykin, Morgan Beattie, (foreground) Darcy Coles, Dakota Connolly & Mitchell Coatsworth

Tennis in March
Club members are busy preparing for the annual tournament on the Labour Day Long Weekend. If you can assist with catering see the lists at local shops or if you can volunteer time on the weekend email wychetennisclub@hotmail.com.
Following the tournament there will be two evening social tennis events playing the fast-four competition:  Thursday 16 March and Thursday 23 March at 6pm. Cost is $5 each session.

March 2017 News with Jacinta

As we wave farewell to summer our thoughts in March turn to an eclectic array of events being held in Wycheproof.
Thank you to the WCRC for hosting a fruit fly information afternoon. Rhys Neville, a plant standards office with the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources Victoria, talked about prevention and control of this pest. It has been heartbreaking for the home gardeners in the district to discard large crops of stone fruit, tomatoes and even citrus due to this destructive pest. See information on the newsletter blog (access from the Wycheproof website). Information brochures are available at  WCRC.
If it is March, then we know the Wycheproof Lawn Tennis Club members are limbering up for the annual tournament on the long weekend 11-13 March. It is often three of the hottest days of tennis on the calendar and we know that the club always hosts a professional event that attracts visitors from across the state.
What a great time it will be in Wycheproof as that weekend is the Lions Club of Wycheproof first annual Show and Shine event from noon on Saturday 11 March, which includes a Rock ‘n Roll concert in the evening. The Wycheproof Youth Group is in the final stages of planning for the FReeZA event, Disturbing the Peace on Sunday 12 March, a ‘must do’ event on the calendar for teenagers from across Buloke and Loddon Shires.
We know that many people have some great ideas for events and groups have need of support to host events.  There are two important meetings in March. The first is the Wycheproof A&P Society meeting on 17 March. So if the show is valuable to you and Wycheproof please go along and support this great annual event. Another important meeting is a gathering of ideas for tourism events on Monday 20 March
It is always heartening for organisers of events to know that our community supports them in so many ways. Thank you to all who supported the Manequin Challenge filming on the mount for the ‘We are here’ documentary. Thank you to all who attended the 5th Annual Harvest Thanksgiving Service and Wycheproof VISION fundraising barbecue lunch on Sunday 26 February.  The Ice Breakthrough event on 21 February was also well attended. More than 30 people heard presenter Jacqueline and Community Liaison Officer Victoria Police Andrew Downes talk about the health and social problems caused by drug use, how to keep safe and how help a family member or friend who is using drugs. The notion of ‘talk therapy’, talking to people and keeping channels of communication open, is seen as the key to helping people.
A ‘shout out’ to Buloke Shire Council for placing the ‘No Camping’ signs at Centenary Park. Camping in the carpark at Centenary Park has concerned the community for some time and Wycheproof VISION had passed on those concerns to council. We appreciate this support from the Buloke Council.

Saturday, 4 February 2017

Issue 122 Wyche On Track ... and there's even more on in Wycheproof

Buloke Living Book Launch

Thursday 9 February  at Bakery on Broadway,  5.30pm to 7.30pm
For information contact East Wimmera Health Service on 5477 2163

Locals who Lunch
The next Locals who Lunch will be held on Friday 17 February at the Royal Mail at 12.30pm.   
Please RSVP names and numbers to Amanda phone M: 0407 844 904.
Everyone is welcome. Bring a friend or if you have visitors bring them along.

Fifth annual Ecumenical Thanksgiving service

After a long and bumper harvest it seems fitting that the combined churches will host a thanksgiving service  at Centenary Park on Sunday 26 February at 11am. 
Wycheproof VISION will host a barbecue lunch with proceeds going to WV projects. All welcome.

Wycheproof & District Lawn Tennis Club Labour Day Weekend Tournament
The hottest weekend in tennis is on in Wycheproof  during the long weekend 11-13 March.
For tournament information and entry forms email wychetennisclub@hotmail.com

Diary date Saturday 11 March:

Lions Club of Wycheproof presents ‘Show ‘n Shine’ gates open at noon. Barbecues, stall and classic cars. From 6pm the Rock & Roll Show,  at Wycheproof Recreation Reserve . More info to come when available...

For more news and what's on see the calendar and Facebook feed on our community website www.wycheproof.vic.au  

Issue 122 What's on in Wycheproof

BreakThrough: Ice education for families provides the facts, strategies and information on where to access help and support. 
This important meeting will be held at the Wycheproof Shire Hall Supper Room on Tuesday 21 February starting at 7pm. The meeting is for all members of the community, sports groups and secondary school students.
Speakers include LSC Andrew Downes, Victoria Police Community Liaison Officer, Swan Hill, a popular speaker and educator.
​BreakThrough isn’t just about ice. It is a forum to discuss practical strategies to help you talk to friends and family members about drug use, set boundaries, develop safety plans and work on self-care. Presenters explain how to manage challenging behaviours and keeping friends and family members safe and functioning during difficult times..
For information and support see the website www.breakthroughforfamilies.com

 There is no cost to attend this important seminar but to assist with catering please book online here

Issue 122 Wyche On Track Making a splash on Australia Day

On a perfect summer's day locals and visitors flocked to the Wycheproof Swimming Pool to lap up the fun and games at the Wycheproof Australia Day Pool Party.
Brett MacDonald winner of the
open section and
Ollie Daykin junior champion
of the 2nd annual
 Wycheproof Thong Throw 
 Among the activities was the 2nd Annual Wycheproof Thong Throw competition. Around 30 entrants of all ages vied for the silver thong trophies. There were many techniques to throw the thong the longest distance. In the junior section there was a dead heat and a throw-off  was held between Ollie Daykin and Cian Polzin, with Ollie being the victor. The senior section saw around 10 competitors vie for the coveted trophy with Brett MacDonald’s winning throw of around 20m.
Competition coordinators Tracy Pardella and Caroline Sullivan kept up a cracking pace with a variety of competitions for individuals and teams; all with a hilarious degree of difficulty. They included:
-A blind-fold Lamington relay, sponsored by Mt Wycheproof Café
     Spencer Nicholls and Abby Morrison
winners of the bike helmets
donated by LSC Darin Sheahan
- Milk bottle top dive, sponsored by           the Terminus Hotel
-Ping Pong relay, sponsored by Mt           Wycheproof Café
-Thong Swim, with prizes donated by        Wycheproof Police
-The Biggest Splash competition,             sponsored by Wycheproof VISION.

In the toddlers’ pool youngsters played fishing games and ball games, with much laughter and fun.
The event would not have been possible without the help of Wycheproof Youth Group Hannah Mill, McKenzie Humphreys, Gemma Fawcett and Abby Morrison who worked hard to set up for the event and  provided music. All confirmed the great skills of Hannah and McKenzie on the sausage sizzle.
Funding for the day was received from Buloke Shire Council.  


Issue 122 Wyche On Track Welcome to Buloke CEO Lucy Roffey

Welcome to Ms Lucy Roffey who begins in her role as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Buloke Shire Council commencing on 4 February 2017.
 Ms Roffey was most recently with Mt Alexander Shire based in Castlemaine and was responsible for the  delivery of support services including: finance, information technology, governance, risk management, records management and customer service. Her role there also involved long-term financial planning and property administration. 
Ms Roffey is a Fellow of the Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand recently receiving recognition for 25 years in the profession and is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
She has had roles and appointments including as Non-Executive Director Coliban Water (including membership of Coliban’s Audit Committee and People and Remuneration Committee), Audit Committee Member Castlemaine Health, and is Public Sector Panel Member Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand.

Before working in Local Government, she was a senior executive at the Australian Centre of the Moving Image. Her move to the Local Government sector in 2009 in a small rural setting was inspired by her experience of living in a close knit community in Canada.